Leading and Managing Strategy Excution

Leading and Managing Strategy Excution

Program Overview

The best ever developed strategy will never be successfully executed, unless it is clearly explained to all employees who should understand it and feel committed to it. For this reason, a sound strategy communication plan should be put in place. The plan should identify for each targeted groups, the objective of communication and the proper channel and frequency. Two-way communication is essential to ensure smooth information flow and ample opportunity for sharing ideas and raising inquiries.  It is essential to create a line-of-sight that enable each employee to realize the role he/she plays to contribute to strategy execution. It is also required to create a high-performance culture and sense of accountability. Linking rewards to performance is important as well to ensure directing employee behavior towards strategic priorities. Finally, executives should adopt the concept of leading transformation not just managing the changes required by the strategy.

Program Objectives

Upon the successful completion of the module, participants should be able to:

  1. Realize the importance of having proper communication and change management for successful strategy implementation
  2. Develop a communication plan tailored to nature and objectives for each stakeholder group
  3. Select suitable communication tool and know how to use them effectively
  4. Identify elements of a high-performance culture
  5. Understand the different way to improve employee engagement, culture of accountability, and transparency
  6. Identify several techniques for improving employee motivation and innovation
  7. Identify the key processes needed for managing successful change
  8. Differentiate between managing change and leading transformation

Program Key Content

Strategy Communication
  • What is communication?
  • Objectives of strategy communication
  • Identifying targeted stakeholders groups
  • Communication channels
  • Developing communication message content
  • Strategy document
  • Developing Communication plan
  • Determinants of effective communication
  • Communication reinforcement
  • Launching a strategy
  • External communication
  • Examples of successful and unsuccessful communication experiences

Sample Slides

