Strategy  Governance and Aligment

Strategy Governance and Aligment

Program Overview

Several research reports indicate that as high as 90% of well-developed strategies fail to be executed well. Several barriers have had been identified for successful strategy implementation. At the end of the day. The effort and time exerted at developing strategies is worthless unless sufficient attention is paid to putting in place effective execution mechanisms. Successful strategy implementation requires as well effective communication and creating the right supporting culture. It is critical as well to continuously monitor external environment to ensure that strategy is responsive and updated to response to major changes. For these reasons, establishing a dedicated unit to manage strategy is critical. This unit should manage strategy through the full cycle of analysis-formulation-operational planning-execution-communication-change management-monitoring performance-reporting-performance and strategy review. Like other key functions in our organization, strategy should be managed in a systematic way through a dedicated unit, which acts according to clear governance.

Program Objectives

  1. Realize the importance of having a dedicated unit for managing strategy
  2. Understand the basic components of OSM governance
  3. Justify where OSM should be placed in the corporate organization structure
  4. Understand the different key activities OSM responsible for.
  5. Determine the required internal structure of the OSM
  6. Identify the core staffing and competencies requirements for OSM

Program Key Content

Why and how should strategy be managed?

Sample Slides

