Program Overview
Producing and publishing Performance Reports is considered an effective tool for documenting and communicating the organization progress towards achieving its strategy in a formal way to its key stakeholders. For private organizations, especially companies with traded shares, reporting performance is usually required by Capital Market Authorities. For Government and public entities, may countries have regulations requiring publishing performance reports. Accounting Associations publish as well guidelines for producing Performance Reports. This module provide the required guidance to develop effective performance reports which give accurate and balanced accounts of the progress the organization made towards achieving its objectives for a given year. It is based both on prescriptive directions issued by governing bodies as well as on actual best practices derived from 15 actual reports which cover a wide domain of specializations.
Program Objectives
Upon the successful completion of the module, participants should be able to:
- Realize the important role performance reports play as formal documentation and communication of organization performance
- Identify the regulating body concerned with performance reporting
- Identify the key components of the performance report
- Ensuring the quality of the content of performance reports
- Identify an effective way of communicating performance reports to key stakeholders
- Realize the different design factors need to be considered in producing performance reports
Program Key Content
- Why did organizations need to produce and publish performance reports?
- How publishing the reports relates to the Strategy and Performance Management Cycle?
- Who verifies the accuracy of the content of the performance reports 4. What are the key principles governing the report production
- What are the key components of performance reports?
- What information should be included regarding progress in completing initiatives and programs?
- What are the key performance data that should be included in the report?
- What are the channels through which performance reports can be communicated?
- What is the importance of having an independent third party verifying the report content?
- What is the value of performance reports to the general public?
- What key stakeholders expect from the reports?
- What are the key design aspects that should be considered in producing the report?
- What are the qualitative attributes of performance reports?
- What are the common language issues that need to be observed?