ASP - Association for Strategic Planning
Toronto, Ontario

The Association for Strategic Planning (or ASP) is a non-profit professional society whose mission is to help people and organizations succeed through improved strategic Thinking, Planning and Action.
- Membership
- Conference & Events
- Certification
- Learning
- Chapters & Communities
SPS - Strategic Planning Society
London, England, United Kingdom

SPS was formed in 1967 as an international network of strategists, dedicated to the development of strategic thinking, strategic management and strategic leadership. SPS’s Mission is to improve the practice, development and recognition of strategic management. SPS’s Vision is of a dynamic, global strategic management community
- Events
- News & Activity
- Related Hubs
FH - FineHaus.
Lonsdale St, Melbourne, Australia

We are association management experts and strategic advisers to membership associations.
- Training & Events
- Blog
- Membership
SMG - Strategy Management Group

Strategy Management Group (SMG) provides consulting, training, and professional certification services to commercial, government, and non-profit organizations worldwide. SMG specializes in helping organizations: Transform the organization and build buy-in to change, build complete strategic management systems, & Improve strategic processes.
- Training & Certification
- Software
- Resources
- Blog
SMS - Strategic Management Society
Chicago, USA

The SMS is a nonprofit organization incorporated in 1983 under the Indiana Nonprofit Corporation Act. Founded at an inaugural meeting in London in 1981, the Society operates exclusively for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes to promote and encourage superior research and practice in the field of strategic management.
- Conferences
- Journals
- Research Funding
- Awards & Honors
ISMA - International Strategic Management Association
Athens, Greece

The ISMA works for scientific and educational purposes, to promote and encourage superior research and practice in the fields of economics, strategic management, and European integration.
- Projects
- Courses
- Certificates
- Workshops
- Research
- Calendar of Events
- Publications
ASAP – The Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals
Massachusetts, USA
ASAP is the only nonprofit, professional community with members across the globe dedicated to partnership management who seek successful outcomes for strategic alliances, ecosystems, and key channel partner relationships.
- Membership
- Certification
- Events
- Resources
- ASAP Store
- Blog
SSJS - The Strategic Management Society of Finland
Helsinki, Finland

The Strategic Management Society of Finland (SSJS) is
a leading network for strategy experts in Finland.
SSJS is an insightful, influential and inquisitive society for strategy professionals. SSJS promotes the learning and networking of our members and supports the strategic expertise of Finnish enterprises and organizations.
SSJS provides unique opportunities to see, hear and learn things not available anywhere else.
We operate mainly in Finnish.
- Activities & Events
- Membership
- Association
- Strategy Blog
SOMA - Strategy & Operations Management Association
Wenlock Road, London, UK

The Strategic Society Centre is a London-based public policy research Centre, founded in 2010. The Centre has a simple mission: to examine the big, strategic challenges facing policymakers and society. These are the problems that are the most complex for government to solve, which cut across distinct policy domains and require multiple different types of strategic intervention.
- Publications
- Events
- Blogs
- Media
RIMS - Risk & Insurance Management Society
New York City, United States

As the preeminent organization dedicated to promoting the profession of risk management, RIMS, the risk management society®, is a global not-for-profit organization representing more than 3,500 industrial, service, nonprofit, charitable and government entities throughout the world.
- Resources
- Community
- Certification
- Advisory
- Education
- Events
RMA - Risk Management Association
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

The Risk Management Association (RMA) is a not-for-profit, member-driven professional association serving the financial services industry. Its sole purpose is to advance the use of sound risk management principles in the financial services industry.
- Recourse Center
- Events
- Membership & chapters
FERMA - Federation of European Risk Management Associations

FERMA brings together 21 risk management associations in 20 European countries. They represent nearly 5000 professional risk managers active in a wide range of business sectors. FERMA acts on its behalf at the European level and promotes the risk management profession.
- News
- Advocacy
- Education
- Events
- Publications
- Media
IFRIMA - International Federation of Risk and Insurance Management Associations

The International Federation of Risk and Insurance Management Associations (IFRIMA) is the international umbrella organization for risk management associations, representing 20 organizations and over 30 countries around the world.
- IFRIMA DIRECTORS, Members, & officers
- Constitution
- News
PRMIA - Professional Risk Managers’ International Association
Wilmington, Delaware USA

The Professional Risk Managers' International Association (PRMIA) is a non-profit professional association, governed by a Board of Directors directly elected by its global membership. PRMIA is represented globally by 46 chapters in major cities around the world, led by Regional Directors appointed by the Board.
- Membership
- Certificates
- Learning
- Network
- Resources
- PRM - Professional Risk Manager Designation
WRM - Warwick Risk Management Society

Warwick Risk Management Society is a student-led institution at the University of Warwick built to guide and inform those curious about the financial services industry.
- Events
- Market Analysis
- Join Membership
GARP - Global Association of Risk Professionals
Jersey City, New Jersey USA

GARP helps the world make better-informed risk decisions. GARP educates and informs risk professionals at all levels, from those beginning their careers at risk to those leading risk programs at the largest financial institutions across the globe to regulators that govern them.
- FRM - Financial Risk Manager
- ERP – Energy Risk Professional
- SCR – Sustainability and Climate Risk
- Courses
- Membership
- Events
- Risk Intelligence
CIRMS - City Insurance & Risk Management Society
London, England

The City Insurance & Risk Management Society (CIRMS) aims to offer members a valuable insight into the world of insurance and offers them an opportunity to understand how risk management is shaping the world we live in.
- Events
- Committee
RRMS - Russian Risk Management Society
Moscow, Russia

Increasing an efficiency and stability of business in Russia through decrease risks. Formation of the civilized market of risk management services, corresponding to modern world level in Russia.
- News
- Membership
- Events
RMIS - Risk Management & Insurance Society at UW-Madison
Madison, Wisconsin

The Risk Management & Insurance Society exists to provide opportunities for informed, thoughtful and enthusiastic students to learn about risk management and how it can be applied to help make the world a better place.
- Membership
- Events
- Calendar